The Razor’s Edge

We have a view of life that there is a light side which is pure, good, and selfless.  We also believe that there is a dark side which is corrupt, evil, and selfish.  We also believe that between the good light side and the bad dark side that there is gray, neither light good or dark bad–just gray.

We envision the light side as ethereal and far above us and that only a few live there–we see it an an unattainable goal.  We view the dark side as beneath us, that we may have touched that dark side, but we would never live there.  Truly evil people live there, but we do not.  We live in the gray area, neither good or bad–just gray.  We view the light side as a narrow band.  We view the dark side as a narrow band.  We view the gray side as vast and that most people live there, that its okay to not have reached the light as long as you do not live in the dark, just live in the gray–just gray.

We are wrong.

There is a light side and a dark side.  There is no gray.  There is good or evil, nothing in-between.  There is pure or corrupt, no chasm that separates.  There is selfless or selfish, not a midpoint where a person can be selfless/selfish at the same time.  There is no gray.  Gray is an illusion–a Satanic smoke, a dream from the Devil.   There is no place that is not light or dark–just gray.  We want a gray so that we are not convicted about not living in light.  We want to believe that people like us cannot be in the dark.  We want God to not be so holy and our sin to be so sinful.

We are wrong–no one is just gray.

There is not a great chasm between the light side and the dark side, but a razor’s edge.  Living in the dark, but close to the line where the light is does not make you in the light.  You are still in the dark.  The only way to be in the light is to step from the dark to the light.

Jesus can move us to the light.

We will remain in dark as long as we are comfortable thinking it is gray.  Deception is comfortable, but the problem is that we were created to live in the light, so we are never satisfied, never going to be satisfied anywhere in the dark.

The light calls to us.

Am I going to step into the dark?–yes. Unfortunately I have and will cross into the dark until I reach the place where there is not darkness and there is only light.  Yes, I have been in the dark, set up camp, tried to make it feel like home, but it is a sickening feeling once you have lived in the light to cross over the razor’s edge into the dark.

As long as there is light “Gray” doesn’t exist, only dark and light.

I don’t want to live in the dark.  Once you have tasted the light, deluding your self with a “gray” concept provides no contentment.  Light continues to call.  You can use the excuse that most people live in the “Gray”.  Your friends live there.  Many churches unknowingly abide there.  Most of our society dwells in the dark and think they live in the “gray”.   There is no gray.

Today seems like a good day to step over the razor’s edge into the light.

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