Archive for October, 2010

Don’t Drink The Water

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Every now and then I hear on the news what is called in our region as a “Boil Order”.  It is a notice that for some reason the water is not fit to drink and should be boiled before drinking.  Some expert authority has recommended, because of a break in the water line or some other cause of contamination, that people take precautions.  Not everyone listens.  Not everyone is wise.  Some don’t believe the warnings.  Some are too lazy to boil the water and take the proper precautions.  Some are just reckless and choose to risk their health and their family’s health.  I see the same thing in my world.

God has given us some simple instructions to deal with problems such as sin, self, strife, family problems, and societal issues.  The answer is Jesus.  He wants us to turn from our own attempts, beliefs, and the influence of those around us and turn to Jesus.  That is why He came.  He will, upon request, give us living water, abundant life, a relationship we can count on, and life eternal.  We can trust what He gives, the water He provides.

I see people, however, drinking sewage when clean water is available.  That water is all the religions that promote self as the means of salvation.  Some even make man a god.  I am ASTONISHED at what people put into themselves in an attempt to satisfy their thirst.  The opinions, views, religions, and attempts they ingest are poison.  How can you drink from a dirty cup filled with poisons when living water is right there?  How sick do you have to get from drinking such before you take in what God has supplied in Jesus?  And yet, I see people going from one polluted cup to another.

There was a woman who came to a well.  She had a polluted life and had not stopped drinking from the vile cups.  Jesus offered her an artesian well, speaking of Himself.  This woman drank freely and shared this Jesus she had received.

I don’t drink from the city system, so I really don’t have to worry about the Boil Orders.  I have a well.  It has been tested and declared pure.  It has a bountiful supply of water.  This is the truth in the physical.  In the spiritual I have Jesus: mine, tested and declared pure and bountiful.

I invite you to come take a drink