The Mission of The Prophet’s Place, Inc. is:

To call the world back to God through revival and awakening by encouraging the Called of God and challenging the Saints of God to obedience.

The Prophet’s Place Inc. is currently composed of three parts:

The Fellowship: An assembly of believers who follow Jesus in obedience to His commands and together serve to advance His kingdom by holy lives, worship, ministry, and evangelism. The Fellowship exists to encourage any pastor or church member who attends a weekly meeting to be salt and light as they serve Jesus in the church where He has called them.

The Retreat: A retreat center for men and women called of God to ministry to refresh, renew, encourage, and redirect their energies toward intimacy with God, evangelism to a lost world, and ministry to the needs of mankind. The Retreat is directed toward those called to the Christian Ministry. Its purpose is to rekindle the fire in those called to ministry by means of short retreats, meetings, and times of inspiration, intimacy, and solitude.

The Ministry: Events that are designed to accomplish the mission of The Prophet’s Place within the larger body of Christ. The Prophet’s Place Inc. is eager to collaborate with others in ministries or initiate measures that will encourage the body of Christ to return to holiness and intimacy.

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