Archive for September, 2020

Be a friend

Friday, September 25th, 2020

“There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus.”
Jesus is my best friend. He has proven that over and over, even if the cross was not enough proof. I am not a very good friend, however. A friend likes to spend time with the person they love, to get to know them better and better. They want to try the foods that their friend prefers. They want to go the places where their friend is. They want their friend to be happy, so they don’t leave dirty clothes lying around if their friend doesn’t appreciate it. They want to be friends with the people their friend likes. A friend will protect their friend from enemies. They do not say things that hurt or offend their friend. They are always telling others about their friend–what their friend does and says. If their friend sends them a note or a card, they treasure it and read it over and over. They share the wonderful thoughts their friend sent with others. They wake up every morning excited to spend the day with their friend and are sad when their friend is away.
The Christian walk is fairly simple if we remember Jesus is our friend, and if we treat Jesus as a friend that we love.
“There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! no, not one!”


Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020

Desires are not evil in themselves. Desires are part of GOD’s creative act. We desire food to desire. We desire liquids. We desire companionship. All are good, good for us, and GOD given, but sin corrupts our desires. A desire for food becomes gluttony, which is bad for our health. A desire for liquids becomes an addiction to alcohol, again bad for health. A desire for companionship becomes lust which can lead to adultery and other sexual sins,, bad for our relationships, our minds and our bodies. Ultimately, our desire should be for JESUS. With HIM as our desire, HE will realign every other desire for our benefit and for the good of all around us. If we do not have JESUS as our desire, eclipsing all others, our desires will always continue to be off center, attempting to satisfy what can only happen with JESUS.